Reply to post: Re: re-reporting the daily mail?

Bacon as deadly as cigarettes and asbestos

phil dude

Re: re-reporting the daily mail?

mod-up. The very first thing you learn in a statistics class is that the general public has *very* poor understanding of relative risk, and probability.

That is why the nickname for the lottery in my department is the "tax on the mathematically inept".

All you need to do for yourself is record a week's worth of consumption (everything), and calculate the various components. Then remember, that is what your body has to work with to keep you healthy.

The problem with education is that it is supposed to be a lifelong pursuit, but our society wants us to work "in the fields" as soon as we are able to hold a plough....*

Icon is beer (real ale, of course), because in moderation, it is a pretty good source of nutrients.


*this was a wishy washy analogy, please insert your tool of choice.

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