Reply to post: Re: Eh. what?

Hackers hit NATO, White House – then aimed at MH17 air disaster probe

Sandtitz Silver badge

Re: Eh. what?

"If that was a rebels' Buk, you would see a lot of evidence of this - satellite images of position, radar emission detection, rocket launch flare detection, and so on. Nothing like this has not been published."

Use logic and the Occam's Razor.

Russia has their own share of spy satellites orbiting Earth, and it it very likely that some are over Ukraine since they're orchestrating the rebel strategy. If there was any reasonable evidence to support Ukrainian BUK launch the Russian government would have handed them over to everyone.

Since the rebels mostly consist of (former) Ukrainians, it is likely that some have been part of Ukrainian Military and Anti-aircraft divisions. The rebels have BUK systems, reported by AP journalists. The systems either belonged to Ukrainian bases in rebel zones - therefore possibly explaining the older missile type - or handed over by Russia, which has denied providing anything else but humanitarian help since the beginning.

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