Reply to post: Seriously?

Hackers pop grease monkeys' laptops to disable Audi airbags

Voland's right hand Silver badge


If you have access to the device which talks to the OBD2 you can do nearly anything. I would hardly call this an attack. It is like physical access - once you are plugged in, it is game over.

This attack would have been really interesting if it was successfully exploiting Android Torque or one of the fleet tracking apps. The "Phantom Menace" in the form of a white van with remotely controller breaks...

As far as the state of mechanics laptops, they are nearly all guaranteed to have updates disabled and are quite likely to be Windows XP so they can run obscure software from 10 years ago which has had no updates or Win 7, 8 or 10 version because the company has gone out of business or just because it does not give a damn. So there is little kudos for exploiting them. It is trivial.

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