Reply to post: IT guys are just too nice for the financial world!

Laid-off IT workers: You want free on-demand service for what now?


IT guys are just too nice for the financial world!

I wonder how much a bank would have to pay a financial consultant, accountant or lawyer for "advice" once they had left their employment?

The kind of scenario that SunTrust refer to (i.e. "we may need to reach out to former employees to ensure we accurately understand situations in which they were involved while employed by the company") falls under consultation. Now, how much do you think it costs to consult a lawyer about an action they took for the company in the past?

IT guys are just too nice for the financial world. IT is vital to the survival of pretty much every business. We wouldn't have highly paid CIOs if that were not the case. So we need to become just a little bit more demanding of our employers.

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