Reply to post: Re: Warning! Incoming

Windows 10 out, users happy, PCs upgraded, my work here is done – says Microsoft OS chief

Martin an gof Silver badge

Re: Warning! Incoming

Re: The Original Steve

Interesting argument you have there:

1: users, even technically literate ones are unintelligent and unaware of W10's telemetry

2: users are intelligent enough to realise that there's more to image manipulation than Photoshop on a Mac.

No. Your average "arty" type will almost always choose a Mac for one or more of these reasons:

a: that is what they have always used

b: that is what they used in college

c: all their arty mates use Macs or

d: it still has a better "image" (i.e. it's a fashion thing).

No matter that Photoshop works the same on a PC, "real creatives use Macs".

It's pretty much the same mindset as that which has made Office (and in particular Word) the dominant system despite some quite excellent alternatives, and it's the same mindset that really wouldn't consider buying a Mac for general office work, even though Office is available for OSX.

I'm sure we'd all like to think Windows 10 will be the point at which the average PC user will realise there are good - nay better - alternatives available, but we all hoped (expected?) that when Windows ME came out, when Vista came out, and again when Windows 8 came out, and were proved wrong.

Unless you count the fact that people are buying tablets in preference to a PC, I suppose.



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