Reply to post: Re: POSIX

Temperature of Hell drops a few degrees – Microsoft emits SSH-for-Windows source code

Pirate Dave Silver badge


"But your comment about Powershell not being more powerful than Bash is woefully misinformed. It is not only better designed and more self-consistent, but it has vastly more capabilities."

Really? Funny, after using Bash for 15 years and Powershell for 5 years, I still say Bash is better.

It's more consistent, more mature, and there is a much better chance of googling a "proper" and perhaps even an "elegant" way to perform a given task instead of the hackish nature that surrounds the Powershell documentation. It reminds me of classic VB in that respect - folks finding ways of making something work, but is it a good and proper way, or just a hack they stumbled upon that will disappear in the future?

Not to mention it has a better grasp (meaning not-iron-fisted) of variable scopes - for quick one-off admin tasks global variables are useful and are no problem in Bash, but it's a PITA to have to prefix every single occurrence with $global: in Powershell just because MS decreed that we must do that, and no escaping it.

Why does get-mailbox support the -filter switch, but get-msoluser doesn't? That doesn't seem terribly consistent and is a PITA at times when dealing with Office365 users.

Why is it such a bitch to escape all the switches to a call to "icacls /grant"? Why does it take 5-10 lines of "native" Powershell code to do the same thing as a single call to icacls? There's granularity, and then there's being a total pain in the ass (to the point where it's easier to put the icacls call in a BATCH FILE and call that from powershell).

And why, why, why can't csv-import have enough sense to skip blank lines in an input file?

So yes, on paper, Powershell should be the cat's meow. But down in the nuts-n-bolts, it just isn't. Like most MS products, it's a decent attempt, and nothing more. Bash is still better in my book.

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