Reply to post: Re: @ tom dial

Hillary's sysadmin left VNC, RDP exposed to the internet - report

Tom 13

Re: @ tom dial

(since there wasn't a specific prohibition on what Hilary was doing until after she left the State Department)

Another DNC kool-aid drinker I see. NO, it was not an internal prohibition which came into being in 2014. IT IS IN FACT A LONG ESTABLISHED LAW. It's called the Federal Records Preservation Act and its origins are all the way back in WW2.

Here's a little snippet that pretty much puts your lies in the grave:

To put it simply, in 1993 the DC Circuit Court (so regardless of SCOTUS it has jurisdiction over DC unless reversed) found:

1. Email constitute federal records.

2. The electronic record itself still constitutes a federal record even if paper copies are printed

3. Must be managed and preserved as per the Act's requirements.

Shorter synopsis: There isn't a statement $Hrillary has made about her email which is true.

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