Reply to post: Re: Hi, Tech!

Ring Chime: Needy wireless doorbell or $30 bling t'ing?


Re: Hi, Tech!

I'd suggest do it :-).

We got a glass porch/door over our front door which is always unlocked.. inside you have a proper door with a proper knocker on it (old school brass, makes a lot of noise if you use it) you can see this clearly while you are stood outside.

But our friendly delivery people like to stand outside, in the rain, knocking on the unlocked outside door wondering why no one is answering.. the answer is simple, no one can hear them knocking on that door.

If they come inside, use the knocker it's clearly heard every time. I have now literally stuck a permanent written sign stuck at eye level on the outer door that says "If delivering packages please use inner door knocker however if you are a Jehovahs Witness please go away and don't come back." in big bold writing.

And we still get occasional delivery people outside in the rain knocking on outer door leaving us "Sorry we missed you!" notes on the floor outside or wedged into outer door frame.

But it went from 9 out of 10 waiting outside to roughly 3 out of 10. So big improvement.

So yeah, I'd say signs can be beneficial :-)

I still don't understand why they would stand outside in the rain though, if I had a choice of waiting for someone to answer inside a dry porch or waiting outside in the cold rain.. I'd pick the porch.. but maybe that's just me.

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