Reply to post: Re: The problem he has..

Scotland Yard pulls eyeballs off WikiLeaker-in-Chief Assange


Re: The problem he has..

That if he walks out and hands himself in, the US will come up with some excuse for him to be sent over there...

High profile extraditions like this are brought to the President's desk because of the diplomatic implications. At this point only President Obama can make the decision whether or not to extradite. Based on past experience Obama will extradite only if he has both Britain's and Sweden's buy-in.

By international law, Britain won't agree until the bail-jumping claim is settled, and Sweden won't agree until the rape charge is settled and it must be done in this order.

Only when both European charges are settled can AssangeTM be extradited to the U.S. - assuming Obama wants him. At this point it would be highly impractical for Obama to even request extradition to the USA. Julie is no fool and must know this.

The loser in all of this is Ecuador. Julie is a diplomatic thorn in their side in any relationship between Ecuador and both GB and the USA, especially with Ecuador's present trade negotiations with China. Now that the cops are gone (and I'll bet they are really gone, no covert surveillance), Julie is likely to be shoved out the embassy's back door without so much as a "Good-bye". Maybe he will be picked up, but I suspect that all three countries are sick and tired of him. The smartest strategy then is to just ignore AssangeTM, which would really make him look like a fool for hiding in the Ecuador's embassy in the first place.

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