Reply to post: Re: FTFY

Porsche-gate: Android Auto isn't slurping tons of engine data, claims Google – but questions remain



Yes when you learn to spot them they stand out.

One very clear instance just recently was Cameron's response to Andrew Marr on the Ashcroft Story. He just referred Marr to an earlier "clear statement addressing this" which was actually a carefully crafted non-denial denial statement, thus he tried to give the impression he had addressed it, when he hadn't ! The non-denial denial playbook. Except he did it quite badly, and needed to appear irritated as though "look I've gone to the trouble of issuing a full statement and you're still asking me, just do your job properly man and read the statement" That would have worked a bit better. Instead he looked a little sheepish.

The other person who used the same tactic (actually more effectively at the time) was a certain lib dem who ended up in prison for passing off his speeding ticket as his wife's.

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