Reply to post: Re: History repeats itself...

White House 'deeply disappointed' by Europe outlawing Silicon Valley

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: History repeats itself...

Not odd at all... You're just being far too charitable..

It was never anything as sophisticated as "Having been a part of it until the War of Independence the US's dislike of empires was and is understandable."

The US loves empires.. always has done. Really, really loves them... Hence all the jealousy and scheming. All-out attacking anything which looks even vaguely imperial (even "allies") while desperately trying to fabricate one of its own. What do you suppose poor little Puerto Rico and all this "leader of the free world" shit are about?

US desperately wants to surpass the shadow of its parent: by far the greatest empire the world has ever seen... and is still bearing a massive collective chip on the subject. Shirley you've noticed? Little belches of resentment and long harboured jealousy bubble up all the bloody time... just read through this very thread...

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