Reply to post: Re: Lars Agreed

Silicon Valley now 'illegal' in Europe: Why Schrems vs Facebook is such a biggie


Re: Lars Agreed

"... please at least try and post a counter to the idea the members of the EU are just as eager to keep the NSA in business."

Well it depends on which "members of the EU" you are talking about.

If you mean the member states then yes, they probably are all trying to spy on anyone they want.

However this decision has not been taken by the member states but by the ECJ. This is the independent judicial arm of the EU. Its decisions are binding on the member states and gives EU citizens a way of holding said states to account, so that if Schrems was to make a similar complaint now he would have a much stronger footing.

Of course politicians in the member states will all say that they accept the court's decision, they have no choice, but will then go about subverting and sidestepping the new regulations as fast as they can. Being believers in the saying "One rule for us, another rule for them" they will try and carry on as usual but with the threat that if they are caught out they will get hammered.

So it's a step in the right direction. We the citizens now have a powerful stick with which to beat the spies when they get caught, but everyone must keep watching. The powers that be won't give up their lazy ways and stick to the new rules and it's up to us to try and make sure that they do.

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