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Surface Book: Microsoft to turn unsuccessful tab into unsuccessful laptop


Redmond is indeed getting its act together. Not perfect, I am an early Win10 adopter on a Lenovo Yoga (cheapskate always) and its raw in places still - but I like it. I Iooked at Surface but the price tag was too high - I probably looked at Mac Air too and drew the same conclusion - so they are now playing in the same pricey ballpark! But at least now Apple doesn't occupy the high end, with credible alternatives from Dell, Lenovo and MS.

I raised a support ticket this week for Outlook 2016, got a phone call within 1,5 hrs and after nearly two hours on the line my problem was fixed. I haven't paid a cent as I am still in free trial. I can recall not too long ago when it was a case of " ... call Microsoft? Don't even bother ..".

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