Reply to post: Re: Can't upvote this enough!

Search engine can find the VPN that NUCLEAR PLANT boss DIDN'T KNOW was there - report

chris 17 Silver badge

Re: Can't upvote this enough!

@Red Bren

Don't forget the engines still pass the stringent US tests. Just like the others VW built the engines to pass the emission tests which it did. The test should have been more robust.

Same applies to this story, governments set regulations & the nuke operators do the bare minimum to pass those regulations, exceeding them, no matter how safer or practical will cost them more money and raises the risk of not passing the regulation now or in the future. For example how do they meet a requirement for a modern monitoring, alerting & management system if the required sensors & reporting systems are air gapped from each other? At some point somewhere in the plant some data needs to cross the net. Nuke plant master melt down alarm needs to alert someone.

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