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Woman makes app that lets people rate and review you, Yelp-style. Now SHE'S upset people are 'reviewing' her


That said, the problem is not that they are 'dumb', it's that they are arrogant and self-righteous and either haven't thought their idea through properly or simply don't care that it is certain to cause people distress

I'm starting to get the feeling that they are dumb in another way than generally expressed here: thinking that they can out-troll the Internet by whipping up a shitstorm based on a vapourware app that so far shows little if any signs of actually being in development.

Sorry, ladies, the concept was not too bad, the execution, however, is rather lacking. I'd rate it 0.17 4Chans. Which means it's bad enough that it'll still take a lot of effort going forward into decent trollery, while at the same time you just ripped whatever professional reputation you might have had to shreds

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