Reply to post: Re: only one suitable comment

Woman makes app that lets people rate and review you, Yelp-style. Now SHE'S upset people are 'reviewing' her

Ben Tasker

Re: only one suitable comment

*** you'd obviously have to say something nice as well, or people with think you gave an abuser a positive rating

Positive whilst dropping warning flags in, shouldn't be too hard

Although the abuse allegations against (him|her) would have caused many to retreat into themselves, (him|her) remained happy, helpful and carefree, really going the extra mile to help everyone around them, even after losing (his|her) job at the nursery. (He|She) was so chirpy and devoted to helping everyone else out, we didn't even know the police had lost the evidence until (he|she) told us a week later. It's such an honour to know such a positive, helpful person

Rate nice and highly, because you're "complementing" the person

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