Reply to post: Re: I call BS on Experian's claims

15 MILLION T-Mobile US customer records swiped by hackers

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I call BS on Experian's claims

If Experian doesn't stay ahead of the game, they know it will cost them dearly.

If they know that, why was their security so poor as to let sensitive data like this get hacked?

I say that Experian don't really care. Yes, there's probably a lot of good practice going on there, but when your sole job is handling sensitive data that's not enough. If that's your day job, you need to be bullet proof. Mind you, the turds at a UK mobile retailer (an incompetent division of Dixons Carphone) recently managed to achieve the same outcome without obvious assistance from Experian.

Unfortunately (for the UK at least) the penalties for data protection breaches are minimal, because all of the regulation is designed around the assumption that data protection is only about stopping spam marketing.

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