Reply to post: Re: Good idea, but that still allows the troll to start the procedure

Junk patent ditched in EAST TEXAS


Re: Good idea, but that still allows the troll to start the procedure

" tie the amount claimable as damages to the amount that claimant itself "

A small inventor might have spent 100,000 UCU on a pretty impressive invention, idea of which MegaCorp steals and creates a product worth 1billion UCU the main part of it involving that invention.

The inventor wins in court, gets 100,000UCU and the MegaCorp goes away smiling.

Patents work if 1) They truly solve a problem that peers would find difficult to solve in such an efficient or practical way

2) They aren't issued just because the potential patentee was the first to solve a particular problem (for instance they were just the first to come across that problem)

3) They can be reviewed periodically to either limit claims on them or neuter them if the world has moved on sufficiently that patented item would likely to have been superseded or become obvious if it had never been invented (for instance - someone patents a data retrieval system from tape but databases come along and it turns out that the system used for retrieving data from tape has some overlap but there was no influence in the tape patent to the database patent).

4) Stop accepting software patents as they don't "transform a machine"

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