Reply to post: regarding all flash

Nimble flashes the all-flash array as ‘intense’ consolidation period approaches


regarding all flash

The thing is regarding Nimble as a hybrid, their current platforms are more than fast enough for the majority of workloads. In my experience, companies are moving to AFA because of the space savings and cost compared to the incumbent array mfg. The speed of AFA is so much that only the largest and most demanding workloads are truly needing them. While there certainly are those enterprises that require the ability to do 200k+ those I think are the exception not the rule. It seems to me that the majority of Nimble's sales will continue to come from the hybrid arrays and the AFA is for the smattering of people that really need more than the 150k IOPs that the CS-700 provides. That and if they offer the ability to replicate from an AFA to a hybrid without the need for a costly AFA on both ends. That to me would be a huge benefit.

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