Reply to post: Re: The usual

NSA? Illegal spying? EU top lawyer is talking out of his Bot – US gov


Re: The usual

Yes, the Americans are trying (as usual) to apply US law to other countries. But this seems to be deeper than even that.

Firstly, the very existence of PRISM, and the sheer volume of spying going on, was only made public by leaks. How can something be legal, and how can laws be considered valid, if the are secret? This is fundamentally undemocratic and authoritarian, and not the sort of thing any "free" democracy should want to be within a barge-pole of.

Secondly, the entire defence handed to the US public was "It's ok, we're not spying indiscriminately on you, only on foreigners." Well, guess what? The EU is full of people the US consider "foreigners", and we don't like be spied on any more than US citizens. I guess that defence is now back-firing.

Sorry, America, your proclamations now carry about as much weight as Israel or Syria's. Except they have the benefit at least of talking a different language when they put out internal and external propaganda.

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