Reply to post: Re: Sorry but how is this at all funny or appropriate?

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Re: Sorry but how is this at all funny or appropriate?

I'm 50 years old. Today actually. I've been ginger for the majority of that time. Although now I sport a nice little bald area and the rest of my hair is turning a quite odd ruddy blonde.

Was I bullied about it? You bet. And growing up in one of the poorest areas of the UK in the 60's and 70's was no picnic I can tell you. but I guess it helped make me who I am today.

And who I am is someone who gets deeply annoyed when strangers get offended on my behalf when not asked to.

I find nothing at all offensive about the term 'ginger stepchild' and its various uses because it's a metaphor and neatly sums up what a writer means when the term is used.

So please, come down. It must be cold always up there on the moral high ground.

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