Reply to post: Re: Windows 11

Microsoft has developed its own Linux. Repeat. Microsoft has developed its own Linux

Dazed and Confused

Re: Windows 11

> means that systems are up and running amazingly quickly.

While this is true, for most server folk it is also not very relevant. Most Linux servers get rebooted once in a blue moon. Besides modern HW seems to spend so long in FW initialization that any time saved in the init -> login time window is lost in the time outside of the SW authors hands.

I appreciate the speed of RHEL7's (as an example) startup, but it's still slower than a few year old box booting RHEL6.

There are other ways to parallelize start up without flouting every tenant of Unix/Linux SW design (do one job, do it well) in particular and just good design principles in general (write down what you are trying to achieve before you work).

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