Reply to post: Our scrap dealing future

Robots, schmobots. The Rise of the Machines won't leave humanity on the dole

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Our scrap dealing future

Step 1. Replace your workers with robots

Step 2. Sit back and light a cigar as the profits flood in.

Step 3. Note your profits begin to fall because no one is working to buy your robot produced tat/service

Step 4. Go bust because with no one buying your services you can't keep up the repayment on the Googlematic 5000 self activating tat dispenser.

Step 5. Join the seething mass of humanity scraping together a living from farming and dealing in scrap parts from rusting Googlematic 5000s.

I am fairly sure I've seen a number of documentaries positing this future, set in the Australian desert.

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