Reply to post: Re: in normal use, the load average is around 1.1.

The last post: Building your own mail server, part 1

Nigel Whitfield.

Re: in normal use, the load average is around 1.1.

I could probably bring it down a little with some tweaking - for instance, the screenshot shows a lot of Perl running, which is the various Amavisd-new child processes. Tweaking that down, and also the maximum number of simultaneous SMTP connections allowed would probably get it a lot lower.

Normally, I also have a couple of IMAP clients signed in continuously. And clamd is a bit of a hog too, at times. So, yes, I could tweak this down - but 1.1 on a system with two cores is perfectly livable with, and not really in the region where I need to worry about tinkering.

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