Reply to post: Re: @TheVogon - Pyhrric victory

Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership election


Re: @TheVogon - Pyhrric victory


Err, just off the top of my head, shoot me down if you want to, but, as a wild idea, how about EDUCATING CHILDREN BETTER

We've been trying to do that for generations but the NUT always end up stood in the way. We're paying top flight terms & conditions for teachers, and getting the performance of backwards monkeys from them. The only way to change that is bring in a 20/70/10 system. The best 20% get a pay rise, the next 70% don't, and the last 10% get sacked for poor performance.

Oh, but of course, that's not a failure of the schools, is it? As you say "How can I make you educate yourself better?" since clearly it's the pupils' fault for not "educating themselves better"...

Schools can and do fail. My primary & secondary school certainly did. They failed hard enough to become academies. I took ownership of my education, and attended a couple of universities and a great many professional certifications since then. You own your educational attainment, nobody else.

How about paying people a decent rate for the job they're doing, rather than giving them a pittance.

What get then is an expensive monkey. Some jobs don't take a great deal of skill, experience, or intelligence to do. If you want the income from one that does, you first need to meet the requirements of the role, and then attain one.

BUZZ! Oops, wrong again. I have no problem with people being successful, wealthy or happy, but, unlike you, I think that society works better when the rewards are spread around, rather than concentrated in the hands of a greedy few who think they're entitled(!) to live off the sweat of others' brows. (Ironic, isn't it? Same words, different meaning...)

Oh dear. The bitterness of the politics on envy again.

If you and I had the same level of intelligence, and applied ourselves in the same way, making the same efforts, in the same field, you'd find very little earnings differential to bunch your panties over. I live off the sweat of my own brow, and I'm quite honestly puzzled why you feel entitled to live off it also. Why do you think you should be entitled to claim a share of my rewards? What have you ever done to deserve them?

The paucity of intellectual rigor in your position is showing Graham. Think it through again. This time use logic, not emotion.

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