Reply to post: Re: Labour... now unelectable

Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership election


Re: Labour... now unelectable

"Actually look it up. Another big misconception."

I currently work for a client in the energy industry. It's the main reason why no one wants to build nuclear plants without ridiculously large government subsidies. See for instance "The total cost of cleaning up the UK's 17 nuclear sites is "around £70bn", the NAO says. " :

"most of the spent fuel can be used again...and again."

After reprocessing that that also eventually turns pretty much everything in the process into nuclear waste.

"A few tons of waste stuck deep down a hole"

It's not that easy - or cheap - to contain waste in a geologically stable environment for 100,000 + years. See

"Nuclear waste is tiny almost negligible compared to other ways."

It really isn't - The UK inventory as of 2013 is 1770 cubic Metres of High Level Waste, and 95,600 cubic Metres of Intermediate Level Waste. Pretty much the entire reactor building and containment, and processing facilities also become nuclear waste at the end of their useful life. Hence the vast costs. See

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