Reply to post: Re: Pyhrric victory

Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership election


Re: Pyhrric victory

@Graham Marsden

it's good to see that we might *finally* get some balance back in UK politics, rather than "Let the Rich get richer, I'm alright Jack, screw the little people".

The only problem with your little rant, is that the Conservatives hate the poor enough to want to make them rich, while labour, the real nasty party, hate the rich enough to want to make them poor. Rather sad, no?

Corbyns econimic policies, if implemented, would destroy the economy the same way they did last time they were used, in the 1970s. The defining difference though, is that there will be no North Sea Oil to bail us out this time. You'd be looking at generation upon generation trapped in poverty, real poverty, not just some silly metric based around how much your neighbour earns.

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