Reply to post: Re: El Reg... Really?

New Star Wars movie plot details leak, violate common sense and laws of physics

NoneSuch Silver badge

Re: El Reg... Really?

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To the fine men and women of the best tech site on the planet:

I seldom object to stories here, but just because the details leak somewhere, do you have to republish them? First off, I doubt there's any confirmation from anyone of note involved with the production. That makes it rumour, not news. Even if it does turn out to be true, is this really worthy of your talents? Are you hiring reporters away from Heat? Can we look forward to Kardashian updates on the hour?

Second, there are a few of us out there that don't want to memorize the script before seeing a film. I like a little mystery when I go to the cinema. Yes, there are all sorts of people out there that want to know how many stitches are in the front seam of Luke's new Jedi robe, but they will just ruin the film for themselves. No need to destroy it for all of us.

I am no fan of JJ Abrams who single handed ruined the Star Trek series for me. However, I still want to go see the film when it comes out. I like seeing movies with no preconceptions so I can make up my own mind.

One of the reasons your web site is open on my browser all day is you have gained my respect over the years by fair and reasonably impartial reporting (mixed with sardonic humour that I adore). However, it's reality check time. Harrison Ford breaking his ankle on set is news. Spoilers that may or may not be real are not.

You should handle stories like this the same way FIFA handles people who run on the pitch during the World Cup for free publicity. Focus on something else until the annoyance goes away, then get back to what matters.

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I agree with this so much. Point by point, I could have written this.

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