Reply to post: Re: Not in my lifetime... or yours, probably

The remote control from HELL: Driverless cars slam on brakes for LASER POINTER

Named coward

Re: Not in my lifetime... or yours, probably

Traffic lights: the car can 'see' the lights, it doesn't just detect other cars. If it sees red it stops. If the lights are off it uses the alternate signage, if available, otherwise it uses the rules for unmarked crossing - just as a human driver would. How can a car overtaking you from the right look like a car going around a roundabout (unless the car is drifting round the roundabout but even then...)? The autonomous car must detect the direction of travel of other cars so it will know that one is coming up from behind and the other one from the side (not to mention possibly knowing when it is on a roundabout and when on a highway - be it from stored maps, or from road detection mechanisms) - again, just like a human.

What is really difficult is purposeful mischief like fake signs, but those can confuse real drivers as well. Totally unmarked roads in heavy rain or snow are difficult to drive in for humans as well, but just as is it not insurmountable to humans it should not be for an autonomous car

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