Reply to post: Re: Slavishly Copied

Apple's iPad Pro: We're making a Surface Pro WITH A STYLUS over Steve Jobs' DEAD BODY

Squander Two

Re: Slavishly Copied

>> Gobsmacking hipocrisy and lack of innovation.

> Copied from Microsoft.

That makes it a good idea, does it? I used to be a loyal Apple user because their OS was way better than Microsoft's. These days, Apple sell overpriced crap and have utter contempt for their customers, whilst Microsoft innovate the way Apple used to.

The Surface Pro is a wonderful bit of kit, precisely because it's the kind of thing Apple used to come up with. And this is their answer to it? Pff.

Competition is a wonderful thing. I wonder who'll be making the good stuff in ten years. Maybe someone we've not even heard of.

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