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Manchester fuzz 'truly sorry' for 'accidentally' hacking phone of whistleblower cop's girlf

Sarah Balfour

GMP are the most corrupt, most thuggish force in the country. They're bullies in uniform. I fully believe that the majority of the cunts only joined up so they could get away with doing shit that'd see 'em doing 10-15 if they were civvies. During an anti-fracking demo at Barton Moss, one can clearly be seen slipping a packet of white powder into the bag hanging on the handle of a severely disable lass's wheelchair. They later stop and search her, brutally flinging her to the ground by her hair and standing on her neck (she has MS). In addition to the planted coke, they find around an ounce of weed. She's then dragged off to the shop where, according to her girlfriend and her sister, she's forced to undergo a full body cavity search. I never found out what happened to her after that.

I've had my own head used as a football on several occasions, for the 'crime' of being a high-functioning autistic person having a panic attack.

Now, I've just had dinner, so it's kipping time.

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