Reply to post: Re: "because Sky is an efficient private company"

Grinning BBC boss blows raspberry at, eyes up buffet

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: "because Sky is an efficient private company"

"Sky puts out enough repeats of it. 3 or 4 Simpsons episodes in a row at teatime/early evening. I half wonder if its a Murdoch plan to stop people watching regional news programmes on Beeb and ITV."

My 5yo grandson is happy to watch the same episodes of Chuggington again and again. Most people above the age of 5 are a little more discerning and tend not to watch the same Simpsons episodes day after day. I wonder what Skys viewing figures are for the daily repeats of The Simpsons broken down by age groups?

As for the Beeb going subscription only, I give you Fox News. Advert and agenda driven "newsotainment". Watch it and weep.

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