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Prof Hawking cracks riddle of black holes – which may be portals to other universes

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

@Unicompiss - so far as I can make out, anything falling into a black hole ends up inside a unique new 'universe' (ie, 'white hole' = 'big bang') . And, if I understand correctly (hey, I'm no genius, I may be wrong), when they fall into the hole in our universe doesn't matter; two things falling into a black hole a billion years apart as seen from out universe would still exit the big bang at t'other side at the same instant. Whilst the spatial dimensions do some peculiar things as one approaches and goes 'through' a singularity, what happens to time is even more peculiar, and I can't even begin to think about what happens to the other 6 or 7 dimensions I gather are thought to exist acording to current theories, as I frankly don;t understand them. Just messing with the usual 4 is about as much as I can handle. :-}

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