Reply to post: @Michael Wojcik

The most tragic thing about the Ashley Madison hack? It was really 1% actual women


@Michael Wojcik

"Alas, sociobiology is alive and well. It's a convenient refuge for a particular type of sophomoric thinker who wants to ascribe simple, foundational causes to human behavior and sweep both complexity and ethical responsibility under the rug."

Your caricature of sociobiology (and, more than likely, evolutionary psychology) is also an example of "sophomoric thinking" - the kind that can not tolerate the idea that there might be any impediments to achievement of human perfection by political means. Because how could anything be true if Michael Wojcik (or Gould, or Lewontin, or anyone else) doesn't like its political implications and if it might prevent his preferred version of Utopia from becoming a reality?

Moreover your strident denial of the influence of genetically-programmed behavioral predispositions and its corollary that human behavior is freely manipulable forms the basis for the excesses of Communist Russia, Mao's China, Khmer Rouge - these being not unique but merely among the most excessive of many efforts by many governments (of many ostensible political tendencies) to regulate too many facets of individual and societal life.

And in the way that it posits an extreme hiatus between human beings and all other animal life, it's on a level with creationism.

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