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Malware menaces poison ads as Google, Yahoo! look away

Bronek Kozicki

I'd pay as well, and there even is one thing that ElReg could offer me in exchange for my money: a daily copy of all articles in the form of Kindle news subscription, just like I receive other newspapers. Just something to read on my commute to work.

I know it sounds like favouritism towards Amazon, however I have nothing against such a daily news delivery mechanism made available on other platforms/vendors where such paid-for news subscriptions are available. It's just that I already happen to use Kindle for my daily news review. I also know I could use Instapaper to scrap ElReg articles and copy them to my Kindle, but I'd rather let ElReg earn some money by preparing this for me - and making it appear just as a regular news from one source (called "The Register", rather than Instapaper).

Even better if sister site ThePlatform implemented such a mechanism as well, they have some very interesting articles which I'd very much prefer to read on an ebook than from large screen (and I do not like wasting paper on printouts). Preferably at different time of the day than ElReg one, giving me something to read on the other direction of my commute ;)

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