Reply to post: Re: Prompted a memory

Net neutrality: How to spot an arts graduate in a tech debate

Hollerith 1

Re: Prompted a memory

One of many degrees you can take in the Arts is Philosophy, specifically, ethics, and how to intuit moral and immoral outcomes. Or History, to see how things were done in the past and if that worked or not. Or law, which teaches you to argue from evidence, logic and reason. Or Literature, which opens to you the vast ways humans have communicated ideas, stories and beliefs throughout our existence on earth. Or Fine Art, where the craft of the beautiful, the sublime, and the disturbing is studied to see how humans can create something that stops us in our tracks. Or Political Science, which analyses how people use and abuse power.

Now why the heck would anyone want any of those? Why would that be good for humanity? Why can't it just be engineers, as was so often suggested from about 1880 to the 1960s?

As an Arts graduate now in IT, I do get really tired of guys who studied computers and only computers all their life and have never actually been exposed to much else, and their curled lip of contempt for anything outside their specialty.

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