Reply to post: Re: The latest stupid in these tills.

'Unexpected item in baggage area' assigned to rubbish area

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: The latest stupid in these tills.

"With the arrival of Aldi in town, I'm not sure I like their strategy. You are ordered to just take your stuff straight from the checkout operator and dump it in the trolley. Shelves are provided for you to take all the fucking shopping out again and bag it up."

I find that strategy far more efficient. Their till operators scan it through so damned fast you rarely have time to bag the stuff up so taking the trolly to bagging shelf means you can take as long as you want to pack the bags properly so nothing gets crushed and the bags don't fall over in the car. This is helped with a little pre-planning by keeping your trolly tidy as you shop and placing stuff on the belt in the "right" order, ie heavy stuff first.

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