Reply to post: Re: It's not about AIR, it's about WATER

Could our fear of fracking be appeased with CO2 sequestration?

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: It's not about AIR, it's about WATER

"almost daily occurrence of leaks in abandoned waste dumps "

Well, apart from the obvious, "abandoned", often many, many years ago when sealing and/or securing wasn't often considered, waste dumps are usually on or very near the surface, in or above the water table. Fracking is carried out well below the level of aquifers and the water table so only the drill site itself offers the possibility of a leak and as the article points out, the cement jacket stops that and can be tested and inspected. Once finished with, they simply fill the hole with more concrete, probably stronger then the surrounding rock.

This anti-fracking stuff seems to me to be about edge cases and fear of the unknown because "fossil fuel == bad", just as with nuclear or the current debate on e-cigs.

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