Reply to post: @ TheVogon (was Re: Talking about how the fractures never get near the aquifer (@ Francis Vaughn))

Could our fear of fracking be appeased with CO2 sequestration?


@ TheVogon (was Re: Talking about how the fractures never get near the aquifer (@ Francis Vaughn))

"And the answer is not until the several KM of non shale rock on top of them is removed..."

Disingenuous. There are fracking sites where the shales are less than a kilometre deep, and the "non shale rock on top" may be permeable and/or full of cracks. Even if the top layers of rock are solid and not permeable, injecting high pressure gas will lower the temperature of the shales and surrounding areas causing negative thermal expansion and potentially making the creation of cracks in the upper layers much more likely.

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