Reply to post: Re: lucid enough to decline any form of drug testing

John McAfee cuffed by Tennessee cops, faces drug-driving, gun rap

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: lucid enough to decline any form of drug testing

This reply is horseshit.

First of all, there is no federal law regarding traffic stops in this regard, so you can't claim anything happening "in the states" here. Each state has their own procedure with respect to traffic stops and DUI procedures.

Also, drug tests are almost always performed at the precinct office. The only field drug test I've heard of being conducted on the street during a traffic stop is a buccal swab, which doesn't detect all drugs and isn't terribly accurate.

Refusing a drug test is definitely not cause for immediate arrest. If a police officer believes you to be intoxicated, he will ask you to perform a field sobriety test (walking a straight line, reciting the alphabet backwards, counting exercises, etc.). If you refuse this, he can arrest you if he chooses AND has reasonable suspicion, but he certainly doesn't have to.

Refused drug tests often result in automatic license suspensions, but again, this is state-specific and involves each state's DMV, not the police. There is no law in "the states" regarding any of this.

Why would you post something like this when you obviously have no idea what you're talking about?

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