Reply to post: Re: Do vat grown brains dream? @ Big John

Boffins raise five-week-old fetal human brain in the lab for experimentation

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Do vat grown brains dream? @ Big John

I did use the word "ardent" in my description. Most people (including myself) feel that abortion in the first trimester is acceptable. After that point the former "clump of cells" has changed into somthing uncomfortably like a human being. In the third trimester, abortion starts to get rather gruesome. Yet there are those who argue that these natural human feelings have no weight, and that the fetus has no rights until it passes out the birth canal. Halfway out isn't enough, there's still time for the mother to take that fetus's life away. Obama himself once voted to defend such partial-birth abortions in Illinois.

Argue about rights all you want; It's still sickening to contemplate. Even worse, a large lucrative 'industry' has grown up around the practice. Worse still, this industry appears to be primarily aimed at minority women, judging by the abortion statistics. What's that all about?

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