Reply to post: Re: No sd card. No swapable battery

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+: 4K-positive fun for ... vloggers?!

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: No sd card. No swapable battery

I'm truly interested: do all you precious "no battery swap" luddites actually buy a second battery for each phone? How do you charge them? Do you actually have to buy a special charger?

I can't help feel you're all secret poster-bois for some particular brand of phone whose only differentiating feature now is a swappable battery and an SD slot, though I haven't a clue (and nor do I particularly care) what. Seriously, get a USB charger and feel the joy of thousands more milli-amp-hours, the convenience of not having to switch your phone off and fiddle about with batteries, easy recharging and the ability to charge other devices. Oh, and get a cheap data plan and forget about extra storage. It's not that big a step, but it really doesn't change your life that much, believe me.

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