Reply to post: Re: stupid Canadian volunteers to give away rights

Police use RIFLE AND TASER to relieve man of iPhone case

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: stupid Canadian volunteers to give away rights

<Rant alert and in no way do I count the whole of the US populace in this, but excuse me while I rail against> Colossal idiocy. No wonder 'Murica has such a problem with gun related deaths. The US culture around guns is bizarre and stupid. Instead of treating them with the respect and caution they require, they're bandied about, discharged and treated like toys. The whole talk about gun control in the US is a non-starter. What they need is a culture change where education, licencing, checking, psychological profiling and a general change in attitude and where, for example, posting youtube videos where a bunch of dense feckers whooping and hollering and 'bro-ing' while firing guns is seeing as source of danger that should warrant a quick visit from local constabulary and not seen as fun and 'awesome'. US could learn a lot from Canada.

I remember a while back where my Mrs visited some of the Canadian police departments. One thing that struck her was the very low numbers of deaths listed on all the stations board of remembrance despite a lot of police being armed and the wide availability of guns. I won't say what a lot of them said. but one coppers short response says it nicely: "Oh, we don't have the same gun culture as the US so its rarely a problem"

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