Reply to post: Re: Be careful out there kids....

Rise up against Oracle class stupidity and join the infosec strike

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Be careful out there kids....

Mr. Pott, if quitting your job just means risks grow even bigger, how do you feel? Or once you've quitted your job knowing it will only get worse, it's just "who cares is somebody dies, after all it's no longer a responsibility of mine"?

Sure, if you're some highly visible individual whose quitting would be notices, sure, it could work.

If some unknown sysadmins quit, or developers, who would notice? Unless you go for the even much riskier option to cause yourself big - but not lethal - damages, and then hoping someone else will still hire you after that...

Otherwise the only way would be to "unionize" - but again, without obtaining consensus from peers, how could you make it work? Security is an issue not just because of "evil management", but also because too many sysadmins and developers still don't care about it at all, or enough.

How do you plan to bring them on your side? Quitting? They will just thank the whiner went away, so they could work as they like. Sure, they may still complaining they now have to do the work you did, and thereby will do it the simplest - and unsecure - way they could find.

Meanwhile, the HR person interviewing you, will ask, frowning, "you have changed job n times this year, why can't you keep one?" Do you believe answering "I quitted each of them because my colleagues/managers were morons who didn't care about IT security" will help you?

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