Reply to post: Re: it may backfire?

Labour Party website DDoS'd by ruly democratic mob

Chris Miller

Re: it may backfire?

Labour has a massive problem. To win a UK election they need to recover at least some of their seats in Scotland, where they were portrayed by the SNP as 'Red Tories' - Corbyn might help them to achieve this. But in England, their votes were leaking away to UKIP, from those Labour voters who feel (rightly or wrongly) threatened by immigration - Corbyn will only acerbate this problem. And their biggest issue is that they weren't trusted on the economy, and Corbyn would make this far, far worse because he's an economic illiterate, his economic policies having been devised by a failed accountant.

Similarly, if they tack right with some of the other leadership candidates, they may regain seats in England, but will remain locked out of Scotland. Corbyn may appeal to the Russell Brand 'none of the above' voters (if any), but there are already established parties occupying this ground - UKIP, Greens, LibDems - and it's hard to see anyone winning an election from there.

In a word, they're stuffed. Labour is dead, but they haven't quite realised it yet.

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