Reply to post: Re: Why does the government fear private computers?

Intel left a fascinating security flaw in its chips for 16 years – here's how to exploit it

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Why does the government fear private computers?

On your point about using computers for child porn/plotting your reign of terror/ hiding your drug money/ swindling the guillible/blackmail etc all these things existed before computers were common place and you can bet the guilty took measures to hide/encrypt the data.

your other points, DDOS, cryptoblock extortion have been made possible by the security holes left in so the authorites can "catch the baddies at it".

Given that the "baddies" know that putting anything on a computer is a mistake and will not be doing it then wouldnt it be better if the rest of us weren't treated like criminals.

Given that the criminals are using the authority's backdoors to invent new crimes and we no longer have any private life outside the home or even in the home if you have a camera on any internet enabled device. Then it makes you wonder who exactly the authorities are really targetting as a threat

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