Reply to post: Re: Testing shmesting ..

Nutanix digs itself into a hole ... and refuses to drop the shovel


Re: Testing shmesting ..

"I'm curious here .. do modern day storage tests accurately reflect what end users find valuable in products such as HCI? (genuine question - not cynical rhetoric)."

Depends who comes up with the test. I'm rather more inclined to think Storage Review will devise a test that comes somewhere close to matching my day-to-day usage profiles than the vendors' own metrics will.

If questions about the validity of the testing regime need to be raised, then those questions should be coming from the end consumers (i.e., you and me) telling the reviewers that the information they're providing is no longer useful, rather than from the vendors declaring that the metrics that they do poorly on aren't important anymore - especially when those vendors have no agreement on which measures are more important.

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