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Nutanix digs itself into a hole ... and refuses to drop the shovel

Cloud 9

"Nutanix aren't offering much that, say, Simplivity don't" ..... As this filthy thread is already littered with profanity - I'll just add the word "Bollocks" here in response to this snippet.

Other comments that fall under this classification:

"It needs 3-4 years more before it's truly ready" .... says who and why? Justify your fantasy timescales here. 3-4 years in IT is a lifetime these days.

"but not one of Nutanix's customers has gone out and binned the ESXi hosts and replaced the netapp filers they already had" .... And you know this how? Are you some kind of infrastructure spy / ninja? ... Companies are buying new HCI and leaving their old crap in the DC because, what? They have money to burn on escalating maintenance of old kit?

Yes - Nutanix have to step up to the plate and join in with the whole storage testing malarkey in order to join in with the obligatory public chopper measurement (and they should get on with this sooner rather than later) but suggesting that they could still be irrelevant is frankly ridiculous.

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