Reply to post: Re: Relax

Hey, FBI. Wanna track someone by cellphone? Get a proper warrant, says US appeals court

Graham Cobb Silver badge

Re: Relax

Most people (actually nearly all of them) are not suspected of criminal activity, and therefor not worth the effort required to obtain either a court order or a formal warrant, and therefore are not at risk that their cell phone metadata will be either collected or used against them.

Most people are not suspected of being armed robbers, I agree. However, it is clear from documented real-life cases, that anyone seen marching on a demonstration is likely to find themselves targetted by police trying to find reasons to mark them as a potential terrorist or some other sort of suspect. Doing perfectly legal things like protesting should not allow police to trawl through location (or call!) records. Only if there is probable cause of some specific offence (e.g. causing criminal damage during the protest) should that information be accessible.

The number of people who have made some sort of protest is a lot more than those who are armed robbers.

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