Reply to post: Re: Ignorance

Obsolescence of food is complete: Soylent now comes in bottles


Re: Ignorance

"But it is much better for you when you are on a trip or at work than eating the fast food crap that is offered to you there."

My cafeteria has egg-white omelets, made-to-order wraps, a salad bar, and other healthy offerings (which I ignore in favor of the heart-clogging hot food line and grill). The glop-in-a-bottle doesn't necessarily trump work food on healthiness.

Of course, not everyone has a cafeteria like that at work. Fortunately, Soylent 2.0 isn't the first attempt at producing shelf-storable foods suitable for keeping at your desk. There are many dried, salted, smoked, ultra-pasteurized, and otherwise preserved healthy foods that will store nicely at your desk and require no cooking. My cube mate favors granola, cereal, and dried fruits (which are options I ignore in favor salt-and-fat concoctions like Hormel's "Compleats" series of microwavable meals and Campbell soup). Again, Soylent 2.0's not really offering anything new for healthy, preparation-free work food even when healthy cafeterias aren't available.

Travel's much the same. If you can keep it at your desk then it can go in a briefcase. For a day's road trip there are plenty of less storable, healthy foods that will keep, like a sandwich in a sealed bag. Even a filet mignon sandwich is safe for a day or two.

Some other novel inventions of the past century have included items like "Thermoses" and "insulation" that preserve food temperatures for hours at a time so you can have a healthy, hot or chilled meal on the road.

I'm given to understand militaries have put some consideration into preserved, nutritious, varied meal packs of convenient size, too.

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